the florapothecarie journal

Magic & Ritual

  • Friday is Venus Day: How to Bring More Pleasure Into Your Life

    Friday is ruled by the planet Venus, named for the Roman Goddess of love, pleasure, beauty, and creativity. Here are some ways to bring more Venus energy into your life.

  • Samhain/Halloween Rituals for Honoring the Dead

    On Samhain or Halloween, pagans - and people around the world following other spiritual paths - honor and remember our ancestors and other loved ones we have lost. Here are some ways you can honor your own, including the graveside ritual I perform every year. Photo credit: Caroline Attwood.

  • Rose Quartz Radiate Love Ritual

    Learn to banish negativity and radiate love for yourself and love for others with this simple ritual using rose quartz, rose petals, and a few of our favorite love-infused bath & body products.

  • New Moon Intention Setting Ritual

    The New Moon represents new beginnings, a time for pursuing the things our subconscious wants or needs most. It's a time to check in with ourselves and find out how we're feeling, how we want to be feeling, and set intentions and actions for what we need to do to feel that way. Here's a simple intention setting ritual I like to do every New Moon.

  • Creative Energy Ritual for Midsummer / Summer Solstice

    The sun is at its peak during the summer solstice, the festival most strongly correlated with the great ball of fire in the sky. We have the most hours of sunlight on this day and the earth is simply buzzing with energy. Read on for my ritual on harvesting the sun's creative energy.

  • Celebrating Ostara / Spring Equinox

    As a green witch, I celebrate and honor all seasonal changes, but I'm particularly fond of the two equinoxes (spring and fall). Here are some of the ways I like to celebrate Ostara / Spring Equinox.

  • 5 Ways to Honor the Fall Equinox

    Happy Autumnal Equinox! 

    I love the Fall. It's probably my favorite time to be in New England. I love apple picking, Fall festivals, leaves changing colors, snuggling fireside and roasting marshmallows.

  • A Simple Cleansing Ritual for Banishing Negativity

    Tomorrow marks the beginning of Fall, a time for inward reflection and balance. As I began to think over the past year, I realized I’ve made some major changes in my life (for the better) and shed a whole lot of negativity — negative people, negative thoughts. But it’s still something I have to keep working on. The Autumnal Equinox is the perfect time to seek balance. Here is a simple ritual to help you banish negativity and draw in positive energy.

DIYs, inspiration, and tips for living a naturally beautiful and magical life.