florapothecarie is declaring February to be #SelfLoveMonth. To celebrate, we've asked a few of our natural beauty friends to share their self-care routines. We hope they will inspire you to take time to care for and love yourself this month and every month. See all self-care routines here.
Self-care isn't just for ladies. Our sixth self-care routine comes from barber Corey Hoffmann:
As a barber, personal image is just one of the many parts of my job. Every day is a day of self love in order to provide the best experience I can give to my clients!
Our beard oils used in shop from florapothecarie have been such an improvement we didn’t know we needed. Not only do they make beards look great, they also help to keep our skin moisturized and smelling wonderful! Beards are as much an accessory as a watch or phone nowadays, so keeping then cleaned and maintained is necessary which is why I use Bulldog’s beard shampoo & conditioner a few times a week to round out the beard love!
For hair, a small fingertip amount of Uppercut’s Easy Hold gets the job done! Used after you dry your hair into your preferred style, this product offers a light-medium hold allowing you to play with your hair throughout the day while giving a matte finish perfect for messy hairstyles!
Being my best self allows me to extend those self loving feelings into my clients. Which is why I have one day a week for just me, a mental reset day. This allows me to recharge for the upcoming week while also allowing me to become a recluse and catch up on all of the Netflix shows everyone says to watch. Remembering to take time for yourself is the best way to self love in this crazy ride we call life.
Corey Hoffmann is a barber at Garrett’s Barber Shop in Newington, CT. When he isn’t behind the barber chair you can find him reenacting Hamilton songs with florapothacarie’s own Sami, and her equally awesome boyfriend Dave (they are really good, promise!) You can follow Corey on Instagram @heyyitscorey