Happy Earth Day!
I have fond memories of this day. My dad used to take us kids out with DIY "pokey sticks" that we would use to walk around the neighborhood and pick up trash. Maybe this sounds nerdy, but I'm excited to get outside and do the same thing where Dave and I are living now!
Aside from occasional neighborhood cleanup efforts, we make sustainability part of our daily lives. We recycle or compost more than we throw in the garbage, including re-purposing the glass bottles from our florapothecarie products. Here are some of the ways we re-use them, and you can too:
- sprayer for cooking oil
- water sprayer/mister for plants
- mini vase
- canister for herbs, spices, or tea
- cotton ball or q-tip jar
- indoor herb garden pots
- mini succulent pot
- mini terrarium
- organize beauty tools or pens, pencils
- organize misc. little office supplies and things (paperclips, binder clips, buttons, bobby pins, etc.)
- votive candle holder
Of course, you'll want to make sure they're really clean before re-using them. Run them through your dishwasher or hand wash them, then spray on isopropyl alcohol and wipe before re-using them.
These are just a few ideas! Do you have any others? Leave a comment!
Psst. Here are a few more easy ways to make an impact this Earth Day (and every day).