2020. A new year, a new decade, a new chapter.

2019 was pretty wild. The most rollercoaster year I've ever had, friends. I had some really big wins (becoming fully self-employed, getting engaged, great sales growth) and some not-so-great things happen, all of which are a bit too personal to share. But, that's sort of how life goes, and I've become much better at celebrating my wins and acknowledging, learning from, and then moving on from the things that didn't go well.

Last year's theme for the year was "being present," and I was only okay at it. Some days were better than others, but what I've discovered from looking back over the previous year and thinking about how I can improve this year is that I really need two themes this year: LOVE and PLAN. Which actually go together surprisingly well since I'll be getting married in September!!!!

Here are the commitments I'm making this year with LOVE and PLAN:

πŸ’•More date nights and getting out of the house with Dave.

πŸ’•Have FUN planning our wedding together! We've done a pretty good job of this so far, but there's really no avoiding wedding planning stress. Still, we need to remind ourselves that this is meant to be a fun day for us, our family, and friends, and so the majority of our decisions should be based on creating fun and celebrating our love.

πŸ’•Become wildly passionate about both of my businesses again. I love what I do, I really do, but I let it become a bit too routine last year. I need to revive my curiosity and creativity through learning, meeting + helping others, and practicing what I preach.

πŸ’•Have monthly business planning sessions or CEO Days as Being Boss calls them. Confession: I bought their CEO Day Kit and barely cracked it open. Bad Sami. This year, I'm going to dig in every month to get comfortable with my numbers, my marketing plan, and growth strategies, and keep up with the custom business + life planner I created.

πŸ’•PUT EVERYTHING IN MY CALENDAR. Including time for fun, exercise, relaxing, and connecting with the earth.

πŸ’•Make time for self-care - in addition to taking baths, I need to spend at least 15 minutes a day exercising, drink more water, meditate, and slow down and be present in my daily skincare rituals.


Phew! That is a lot. But it’s all essential to my well-being and the health of my businesses. Here’s to 2020!

What are you committing to this year?β €

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