Roses and rosehips have been used in beauty treatments for hundreds of years — Ancient Egyptians boiled them into perfume oils and healing balms. During the Renaissance, Europeans bathed with rose petals and mixed rosewater and flour to create foundation. I'm glad flour-based makeup has gone by the wayside, but the use of roses in beauty products have endured. Here's why:
1. Balances skin. Rosewater, rosehip seed oil, and powdered rosehips all possess powers to balance skin tone. That’s why I include these ingredients in my Rose Clay Facial Mask, Rejuvenating Facial Serum, Rose & Willow Facial Cleanser, and Rose & Tea Facial Toner.
2. Anti-aging. High in Vitamin C, carotene, and tannins, rosehip powder (powdered rose hips) exfoliates and helps your skin cells regenerate to keep your skin smooth and healthy-looking. Rosehip seed oil also aids in cell regeneration and revitalizes tired skin. It has long been used in anti-aging and anti-wrinkle beauty products. You’ll find rosehip powder in our Rose Clay Facial Mask and rosehip seed oil in our Rejuvenating Facial Serum.
3. Prevents acne. Rosewater’s astringent and antibacterial properties ward off acne, which is one of the many reasons I love it in my Rose & Willow Facial Cleanser and Rose & Tea Facial Toner. The same properties can be found in rosehip seed oil, which is why we include it in our Rejuvenating Facial Serum.
4. Deodorizing. It’s no surprise that roses and rose essential oil are often used in perfumery, but did you know that rosewater’s deodorizing properties make it a great addition to natural deodorants? I love soaking up the lovely, light rose scent with my Love Floral Bath Salt Soak and Love & Beauty Bath Tea.
5. Safe for sensitive skin. Because rosewater (also known as rose hydrosol or rose floral water) is obtained from essentially boiling rose petals into water, it contains no harsh chemicals or alcohols, and so is commonly used on its own as a toner or astringent for sensitive skin. It’s one of the chief ingredients in my Rose & Tea Facial Toner.
6. Hydrating. Rosewater hydrates and retains moisture, which is why I use it as the base in my Rose & Tea Facial Toner, and alongside coconut oil and aloe vera in my Rose & Sea Salt Hair Spray.
Shop our entire rose collection here!