Behind-The-Scenes: Making Chocolate Masks for Goddess Provisions

You may have heard/seen me mention my partnership with Goddess Provisions a time or two over the past few months. (I'm really excited!) Here's the scoop: every month, they send you a box with 4-6 full-size products to nourish your inner goddess and grow your spiritual practice. Past boxes have included crystals, sage smudge sticks, natural roll-on perfume, handmade soap, chai tea mix, candles — you get the idea.

My Chocolate Masks will be in the October Goddess Provisions box! You can secure yours by subscribing now. This is a pretty big deal, my beautiful readers. We (myself with the help of my loving boyfriend and amazing niece) made 2,000 masks for this partnership! So, I thought I'd give you a little peek behind the scenes...

Making 2,000 masks was no easy task! My typical batch yields about 20 masks, but I amped it up to 100 per batch.

My niece Scarlett put in over 20 hours of work, sanitizing jars and packaging the finished masks into bags. (Don't worry, I paid her — pretty generously, too!) For a while, we were cranking away like an assembly line: Scarlett sanitizing, me mixing and decanting into the clean jars, and Dave (boyfriend) lidding and labeling. There is no way I could have gotten this done without them!

The next step in our process was hand-stamping cotton muslin bags. I don't normally ship my products in bags, but because I wanted to include a coupon for Goddess Provisions subscribers (sign up here!), I had to keep everything together within a bag.

I bought two identical stamps — custom made with the florapothecarie logo — and Dave and I spent a few hours stamping away while binge-watching Stranger Things.

Once the bags were stamped, we stuffed them with masks and coupon cards. Having finished Stranger Things by this point, we started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer from the beginning. It's my absolute favorite show, and Dave's never seen it!

I cannot wait for the October Goddess Provisions boxes to ship! They arrive by October 20, so make sure you subscribe before then. Sign up here.